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We find an experts in IT you’ve been looking for a long time
Specialists in any field
We help you find developers, devops, analytics, project and product managers, testers, data-scientists and other IT specialists that your company needs specifically.
Our own database of candidates
We have over 200,000 applicants. We know many of them personally. At any time we are ready to "snatch" for you a like-minded specialist who fits the company’s requirements 100%.
We know those who are not looking for a job on the open recruitment sites
We are constantly working with candidates whose CVs are not available on open recruitment sites and, if necessary, we even find those who are hiding "in the shadows".
Specialists in any field
We help you find developers, devops, analytics, project and product managers, testers, data-scientists and other IT specialists that your company needs specifically.
Our own database of candidates
We have over 200,000 applicants. We know many of them personally. At any time we are ready to "snatch" for you a like-minded specialist who fits the company’s requirements 100%.
We know those who are not looking for a job on the open recruitment sites
We are constantly working with candidates whose CVs are not available on open recruitment sites and, if necessary, we even find those who are hiding "in the shadows".
Positions that we are closing
Take care of business and we'll put together a strong team for you!